Sunday, September 24, 2017

The Essentials

In the first post, I started talking about what I like to know before heading to a tournament.  I created a list of things that are important to know before we leave.  If you have any suggestions, feel free to comment!!  It's all about making life simpler for all of us.

1) Playground
        - If you are lucky enough to have a kid that will sit and watch an iPad or phone, I congratulate you! When my kids are outside, they like to run.  They will only reach for electronics when they want a break.  Knowledge of a playground and location of playground vs field location is a must! If we rule out a playground, then we can plan outdoor toys better.  

2) Parking
       -I like to know where I'm going to park, how far it is from the field, and if I need to get there earlier to get a good spot.  As stated in first post, my kids like to take a break in the car with the A/C or take a nap.  I still want to be able to watch the game if I have to sit in the car with them.  

3) Bathrooms/Porta Potty
       -I prefer actual bathrooms to porta potties.  I understand that's not always an option or cost effective.  I've been in some decent porta potties and some nasty bathrooms.  It's nice to know what is offered at the field to plan accordingly.  If I'm not in the mood or see the porta potty is gross, I want to know my closest gas station bathroom options.

4) Hotels
      -If we're staying in a hotel, I want to know if it has a pool, game room, FREE breakfast, ratings, nice rooms, fridge/microwave, and what is close by for gas and food shopping.  

5) Area Attractions
      -Nothing like getting to a tournament and having some down time.  You think the girls would want to just relax knowing they have a ton of games to play.  No, not that easy, ha!  I like to know what's in the area that's fun and not too expensive, especially for the younger ones.  Knowing ahead of time would solve a lot of headaches. 

6) Concession Stand
         -There are times we hit the concession stand...the kids don't like what I packed, I didn't pack enough, need more water/Gatorade, whatever the reason.  I'd like to know if there's a stand running and that their prices seem reasonable.  

7) Coolers and Grills
        -I have only been to one tournament that had a rule of no coolers allowed inside, that was at Diamond Nation in New Jersey.  There are some fields that allow you to bring grills, which is great for meals inbetween games.  

8) Shade
       -To bring the canopy or not to bring. When trying to load an already packed vehicle with a canopy, it's nice to know whether the struggle is necessary. 

That's all I can think of for now.  I will try and hit all these points in my posts.  I will add to this as needed.  

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